Conference 2023 Workshop Proposals

Embracing Transformation

Proposal Submission Form for Conference Workshops, December 7, 2023 - Due June 23, 2023

All proposals must focus on one of the streams listed below. All fields need to be completed. Please click the SUBMIT FORM button when done.

Choose a simple and descriptive title
Provide a concise and accurate description of your workshop that may be used for promotion on the conference website.
Provide three key points that participants will learn as a result of attending your session. Please use the active voice: discuss, learn, share, explore, etc.

Lead Presenter

Please ensure that the Lead Presenter is designated as the Lead

format: (123) 456 7890
format: @JaneSouthworth
Please include a short description of your education, position title and professional affiliations, including school board, community affiliation, as well as any recent accomplishments.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Two presenters (lead presenter and one co-presenter) will receive a free one-day registration to the conference. Any additional presenters will be required to register at the regular rate.

All proposals must be submitted in writing using this submission form by no later than 11:59 pm on Friday, June 23, 2023. Selected participants will be notified via email by July 29, 2023.